Present News
This news last updated December 12, 2023
The Lord is working in a unique way of CCAH as a spirit led church that is a global church, not just a community church, open to whoever loves Jesus Christ, regardless of race, gender, age, wealth, denomination, and educational background, all may join and learn the knowledge of God wherever, including the internet. The unique way is one of "varieties of operations" by His Spirit (1 Cor 12:6), so that we encourage everybody to go to any local church unless she is against "the principles of the doctrine of Christ" (Heb 6:1) because the church is His body(Eph 1:22).
Please pray for CCAH to grow continually as the Spirit Led Church including all on-line Bible study Sheep in the Whole Counsel of God on the earth.
(2) Since the pandemic corona-19 in 2020, the territories to minister has been enlarged upon His grace, about 15 meeting places from the initial Headquarters(HQ) at Anaheim Hills 20 years ago. Thanksgiving Gift for 2023 Calendar is ready to "the first come, the first served." One Week in advance thanksgiving Service is held for Outreaching on January 17, 2022 from 1 PM to 2 PM at HQ. And the new books of "TOLERATE For Supremacy of Love" on October 5, 2022, "Customary Christians" on April, 19 2022, and in Spanish on October 10, 2022, and "All is ALL" on October 8, 2021, were published.
(3)The ebook store was opened on October 15, 2021. YouTube, Poem, and Singing are included. Soli Deo Gloria! The pandemic Covid-19 has come tragically, resulting in the death of about 2 million people Covid-19. The 2022 New Year Calendar was given away for "the first come, the first served" on the Thanksgiving season in November, 2021. On November 6, 2020, the new book of "The Truth Matters: Even in Covid-19" was published. During February 18 - 26, 2020, for Israel Pastors Educational Tour (IPET), we were excited to see where Jesus ministered, learning that our loving God & God's Word mostly in the Spirit is essential above human possessory territories, locational disputes, traditions, images, paintings, or any other human thoughts, because "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away" (Matthew 24:35). IPET
(4) To expand the kingdom of God over the world, our Lord allowed CCAH to register 1. YouTube Channel on December 7, 2018; 2. Amazon Brand Registry for CCAH Books on December 22, 2018; 3. Donate "Tithes & Offerings" online on December 27, 2018 (completed on 1/25/2019), and 4. the CCAH PRESS® at US Patent & Trade Mark Office (USPTO) on October 9, 2018, And to publish the new Book of "Do I Really Love God? Self-Examination" at US Copyright Office on November 27, 2018. Up to 2018, our Lord has opened total 15 fields (over 300 sheep) with our supplication in the Spirit for co-laborers to the plenty harvest. All the kingdom, power, and glory belong to God the Father. "He must increase, but I must decrease." (John 3:30)
(5) For the Great Commission to teach all nations, on December 30, 2017, "Online Word for Global Crusade (Sermon: Daily Bible Study) by CCAH Press," uploaded in, as well as on December 7, 2017, the new book of "LIBERTY From Capitalism! Daily Fellowship with Our Lord," published. CCAH is the Spirit Led Church, His church, and a global church, who has been following the Spirit's direction. The Lord gives His word of Philippians 4:4-8 to be meditated and applied in 2018. In this thanksgiving season in 2017, God blessed this church, as His church, who is a giving church. Jesus said "it is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35). This church gave over 20 pounds turkey to 5 different facilities. Every week at least one box of food is given to one of 13 different places. 200 bible calendars are given to people. About 40 to 50% of tithes and offerings per month are given to Mission Fields and Charities. Offline and Online sheep with the motive for Jesus' ransom love serve continually. This is the Spirit Led Church in the Whole Counsel of God daily. This looks poor but is rich toward God. This lacks possessions but possesses everything through Jesus. Jesus alone is sufficient. Encourage for one another. Pray for one another upon the meditation of Philippians 4:4-8, "Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand.6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praise worthy—meditate on these things."
(6) In order to draw more people closer to Christ, than now about 2 million people, up to over 7 billion global population, through 2017, we need pray without ceasing with this hope to see at any moment to see our returning Lord Jesus Christ from heaven. On January 4, 2016 new additional Mobile website was updated after completed by Regan & Troy on July 25, 2015. On March 6, 2016, our Lord has enlarged the untouched facility of the sober living facility for alcohol and drug addicts at the beginning of Moreno Valley. And on August 7, 2015, the desktop website through Adobe Flash operated only by Internet Explorer and Google Chrome was updated by Jay to the desktop site through HTML5 operated by any webbrowsers including Firefox, Safari, Opera, etc. We need fervent prayers for a lot of persecuted Christians (e.g., Sudan, Arab World, Iran, Ethiopea, Charston, IS, N. Korea, almost all over the world) to be protected and to stand on the Lord firmly.
(7)After delivering Gospel to Arab World on 4/26/14, our computer files were attacked by Cryptolocker virus through appearing an urgent prayer request email on 5/01/14 and new computer softwares were attacked by Sytweak virus through appearing genuine Adobe reader program for weekly manuscript on 5/17/14. The devil beyond the virus is attacking church. As we know how to handle the attacks of the devil, we have prayed always in the Spirit, taking the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God (Ephesians 6:13-18). Now, all infections were removed. And the new upload computer operated with Windows 7 and the old download computer operated with Windows Vista, in addition to a new laptop operated with Windows 8, are secured through three (3) anti-virus programs with an external backup driver. Keep on prayers for all ministries of CCAH through those computers. Thank you for all your prayer supports and for all co-works. Despite all hardships, His ministry has been done amazingly anyway. All glory is given to Him forever.
(8) Thanks God for New Books continually Published. Let Him open many visitors' hearts to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and to be conformed with the image of Christ + a Mission House now available for missionaries' FREE temporal lodge up to 1 month;
(9) Thanks God for "Asaph Medical Missions Team" growth + for the New Books of "De Facto Partiality - Visual 3," "No Money, No Ministry? - Visual 2," "Plainly Studying through All the Counsel of God - Visual Sum 1," "Guidance, Q & A, or Supplement to" AND "The Spirit Led Life: in The Whole Counsel of God" published in paperback & eBook & on sale of 1 Amazon.com2 with 5 stars reviews + Korean Version Published (1st & 2nd Editions) + Chinese Version Published (1st & 2nd Edition) + Waiting Russian Version to be on the Lord + for New Horizons Mission House at Corona Ranch + for New The Rock/Fortress House + for Expansion of His Kingdom through CCAH (About 200, on on-line the Bible Study per week + on getting the Books per month = even if the power of money seems greater than divine words, living God who neither slumbers nor sleeps are feeding those who hunger for spiritual food, free from race, nationality, gender, age, budget, or location.) + for fervent daily prayers for evangelism to spiritually rocky countries (e.g., Muslim countries, N Korea, etc), from 5:30 AM through 7:00 AM + for ministers - Christian, Henry, Reza, Lucas, Tim, Jeremy, Joseph, & Wayne + for periodic La Posada Medical Mission team in 2011 +for CCAH which is being led by our master, the Lord Jesus Christ + for truley believers after the Lord's hearts/will + for each staff member's faithful ministry with the Board members/intercessionary prayer warriors + for Growing CCAH in Spirit & Truth;
(10) Pray for Bi-Lingual Pastor and/or the man who heartily wants to be a bi-lingual pastor + for Continual Protection of CCAH from any earthly, sensual, and devilish things; + for seeking "inward"(Word of God + Holy Spirit) continually + for a permanent physician for annual Mexico Mission Trip + for "His Kingdom & righteousness" whatever circumstances + for North Korea (Tapes, North Korean Refugee,...), Cuba, Iran, & China to be evangelized;
(11) Open Enrollment: CCAH Shepherd Learning Center - Preschool & Kindergarten (2 age through 8 age[2nd Grade]) - from 7 AM thru 7 PM - (714) 283-2857 + CCAH Mission Language Center: Every Sunday 1:30 PM through 2:30 PM - (714)393-4249 + Farsi Language Class Every Sunday 9:30 AM through 12:30 PM - (714) 765-9910; Pray for New Land at Anaheim Hills for School/Church Purpose
(12) Please listen to Carole Smith's Song Where God Wants Me . Also please see Twila Paris' video What did he die for? (from Roger Lovell). , the video Wake Up America (from Helen Hong) & Biblical Environmental Protection (from Steve Mays);
(13) Pray for Ministers in Asaph Missions Team - Seoung ( + Jeremy ( + Sang Jin ( ¡°Asaph Missions¡± team is an auxiliary of Calvary Chapel Anaheim Hills, having two parts to abide in the true Vine Christ (1) to open up wider a supply channel of materials and resources to teach the Bible to people in USA, N./S. Korea, China, Mexico, Kenya, Europe, and over the world and so locals can have assistance in establishing churches as the Holy Spirit leads and the Whole Counsel of God to feed hungry souls and to invite whoever is interested in missions for annual Mission trips in China and in Mexico and annual world mission retreat and fellowship in USA and (2) to make a transnational discipleship team to be witnesses to Christ in USA, N./S. Korea, China, Mexico, Kenya, Europe, and over the world for strengthening and vision inspiration."
(14) Please pray for all brothers & sisters in the body of Christ on the earth to be led by the Spirit & to grow in His Word ;
(15) Pray for the members of CCAH/the Staff/the Board to be led always by the Spirit in the truth. (Staff Members - Christian, Henry, Jeremy, Joseph, Lucas, Reza, Seoung, & Tim; Board Members - Gerson, Harold, Sergio, T K, & Wayne - who are "seeking the honor that comes from God only" (John 5:44).)
p.s. CCAH belongs to Calvary Global Network (CGN) and Calvary Chapel Association (CCA), formerly known as Calvary Chapel Outreaching Fellowships(CCOF).